Italia e Estero

Cedu, Italia esce da top 5 Paesi per ricorsi pendenti

epa11266968 Judge Siofra O’Leary of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) leaves the court after the judgement in a case against different European countries accused of climate inaction, at the European Court of Human Rights, in Strasbourg, France, 09 April 2024. The Strasbourg-based court ECHR (European Court for Human Rights) has ruled on 09 April, in favour of Switzerland's Senior Women for Climate Protection, in a first ruling by an international court on climate change, condemning Switzerland for climate inaction for failure to meet past greenhouse gas reduction targets. The ECHR was asked to rule in a trio of cases brought by a French mayor, six Portuguese young people, and more than 2,000 members of Switzerland's Senior Women for Climate Protection. The ECHR judgments are not legally binding for all 46 of the European Council's member states, but could set a legal precedent against which future lawsuits would be judged. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa11266968 Judge Siofra O’Leary of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) leaves the court after the judgement in a case against different European countries accused of climate inaction, at the European Court of Human Rights, in Strasbourg, France, 09 April 2024. The Strasbourg-based court ECHR (European Court for Human Rights) has ruled on 09 April, in favour of Switzerland's Senior Women for Climate Protection, in a first ruling by an international court on climate change, condemning Switzerland for climate inaction for failure to meet past greenhouse gas reduction targets. The ECHR was asked to rule in a trio of cases brought by a French mayor, six Portuguese young people, and more than 2,000 members of Switzerland's Senior Women for Climate Protection. The ECHR judgments are not legally binding for all 46 of the European Council's member states, but could set a legal precedent against which future lawsuits would be judged. EPA/RONALD WITTEK

STRASBURGO, 31 GEN - L'Italia continua a veder scendere il numero di ricorsi pendenti alla Corte europea dei diritti umani e esce per la prima volta in anni dal gruppo di 5 paesi che rappresentano circa il 75% del carico di lavoro per i giudici di Strasburgo. È quanto emerge dal rapporto della Cedu che fotografa la situazione al 31 dicembre dell'anno scorso. Alla fine del 2024 l'Italia aveva 2.141 ricorsi pendenti, rispetto ai 2.743 di un anno prima. E bisogna risalire fino al 2006 per trovare un numero più basso, (1.300). L'Italia si trova ora al sesto posto per fascicoli che la Cedu deve esaminare. "Quasi tre quarti dei ricorsi pendenti riguardano 5 Stati. Il Paese con il maggior numero di casi è la Turchia, con circa 21.600, segue la Russia con circa 8.150, poi l'Ucraina con circa 7.700, la Romania con 3.850 e la Grecia con 2.600", si legge nel rapporto.

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