Italia e Estero

Casa Bianca, è grazie a Usa che Francia non parla tedesco

epa06487779 The moon sets behind the Statue of Liberty in New York, New York, USA, 31 January 2018. The moon is a supermoon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse that NASA has dubbed a 'Super Blue Blood Moon'. This is the last one in a series of three consecutive 'Supermoons', dubbed the 'Supermoon Trilogy'. The previous 'Supermoons' appeared on 03 December 2017 and on 01 January 2018. A 'Supermoon' commonly is described as a full moon at its closest distance to the earth with the moon appearing larger and brighter than usual. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa06487779 The moon sets behind the Statue of Liberty in New York, New York, USA, 31 January 2018. The moon is a supermoon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse that NASA has dubbed a 'Super Blue Blood Moon'. This is the last one in a series of three consecutive 'Supermoons', dubbed the 'Supermoon Trilogy'. The previous 'Supermoons' appeared on 03 December 2017 and on 01 January 2018. A 'Supermoon' commonly is described as a full moon at its closest distance to the earth with the moon appearing larger and brighter than usual. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

WASHINGTON, 17 MAR - La Casa Bianca ha risposto all'appello lanciato nel fine settimana dall'eurodeputato francese Raphaël Glucksmann agli americani affinché "restituiscano la Statua della Libertà", affermando che "è solo grazie agli Stati Uniti che i francesi non parlano tedesco". "È solo grazie agli Stati Uniti d'America che i francesi oggi non parlano tedesco, quindi dovrebbero essere molto grati al nostro grande Paese", ha affermato la portavoce della Casa Bianca, Karoline Leavitt definendo Raphaël Glucksmann un "piccolo e sconosciuto politico francese".

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