Italia e Estero

Cariche polizia a protesta ultradestra davanti sede Psoe Madrid

epa10979935 Spanish riot police officers face off with protesters during a march in the surroundings of the Spanish Socialist Worker's Party headquarters at Ferraz street in Madrid, Spain, against the so-called Amnesty Law after the Investiture Debate, 16 November 2023. Acting Prime Minister got enough support to be re-elected as he achieved 179 votes with the support of Catalan and Basque pro-independent parties, among others, after he reached several agreements, including one agreement with Catalan Junts per Catalunya party for his leader Carles Puigdemont, residing in Belgium, who is to be amnestied for his involvement in the unlawful independence referendum held in Catalonia in a 2017 event that is causing several protests. EPA/RODRIGO JIMENEZ
epa10979935 Spanish riot police officers face off with protesters during a march in the surroundings of the Spanish Socialist Worker's Party headquarters at Ferraz street in Madrid, Spain, against the so-called Amnesty Law after the Investiture Debate, 16 November 2023. Acting Prime Minister got enough support to be re-elected as he achieved 179 votes with the support of Catalan and Basque pro-independent parties, among others, after he reached several agreements, including one agreement with Catalan Junts per Catalunya party for his leader Carles Puigdemont, residing in Belgium, who is to be amnestied for his involvement in the unlawful independence referendum held in Catalonia in a 2017 event that is causing several protests. EPA/RODRIGO JIMENEZ

MADRID, 10 NOV - Agenti dell'unità antisommossa di polizia hanno disperso questa sera con cariche i manifestanti dell'ultradestra che avevano tentato di distruggere le transenne a protezione della sede federale del Psoe a Madrid. Le cariche sono avvenute intorno alle 22,30, quando alcuni dei manifestanti, convocati dal gruppo neonazista 'Nucleo Nacional', hanno bruciato contenitori di spazzatura, lanciato bottiglie e tentato di rimuovere le transenne che impedivano l'accesso alla sede socialista, nella centrale Calle Ferraz, riferisce Efe. Secondo la prefettura, sono state almeno 2.000 le persone che hanno preso parte alla protesta, partita in serata da Plaza de Espana e che il Psoe ha condannato come la "marcia nera", per "le urla fasciste e i saluti nazisti" dei "neofranchisti incappucciati", che vi partecipavano.

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