Italia e Estero

Caracas, elezioni di maggio anche nella Guyana Esequiba

epa11023710 An official waits next to a map of Venezuela which shows the Essequibo region added to it, during a meeting of the High Commission for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba, in Caracas, Venezuela, 11 December 2023. Venezuela installed the 'High Commission for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba', which will prepare a proposal that will be presented by President, Nicolas Maduro at his meeting with his Guyanese counterpart, Irfann Ali, with whom he will address on 14 December, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the territorial dispute that both countries maintain and that has escalated in recent days. The controversy grew worse after Venezuela approved a unilateral referendum annexing the Essequibo region, so the Maduro Government ordered the settlement of a military division near the disputed area, without incursions for now. EPA/RAYNER PENA R
epa11023710 An official waits next to a map of Venezuela which shows the Essequibo region added to it, during a meeting of the High Commission for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba, in Caracas, Venezuela, 11 December 2023. Venezuela installed the 'High Commission for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba', which will prepare a proposal that will be presented by President, Nicolas Maduro at his meeting with his Guyanese counterpart, Irfann Ali, with whom he will address on 14 December, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the territorial dispute that both countries maintain and that has escalated in recent days. The controversy grew worse after Venezuela approved a unilateral referendum annexing the Essequibo region, so the Maduro Government ordered the settlement of a military division near the disputed area, without incursions for now. EPA/RAYNER PENA R

CARACAS, 13 MAR - Il ministro dell'Interno del Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, ha confermato l'intenzione di estendere le elezioni del 25 maggio alla Guyana Esequiba, annessa sulla carta dopo un referendum voluto dall'amministrazione di Nicolas Maduro. Nel suo programma settimanale in Tv e sui social media "Con el Mazo Dando", Cabello ha respinto la richiesta della Guyana, che si è rivolta anche alla Corte di Giustizia Internazionale, affinché il Venezuela non tenga elezioni nella regione che ricade sotto il suo controllo, ma appunto, contesa da Caracas. "Il 25 maggio ci sarà un governatore della nostra Guayana Esequiba, ci saranno deputati alla Assemblea nazionale e legislatori del Consiglio legislativo", ha affermato Cabello, in riferimento al territorio di 149.500 chilometri quadrati (la metà dell'Italia), una zona economica operativa per varie compagnie petrolifere.

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