Italia e Estero

Caos in Bangladesh, sale a 109 il bilancio dei morti di ieri

epa11528468 Bangladeshi people gather in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 05 August 2024. In an address to the nation, Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned after weeks of unrest and an interim government will be formed to run the country. Dhaka authorities have imposed a new curfew starting 06:00 p.m. local time on 04 August. As casualties mounted and law enforcement struggled to contain the unrest, the Bangladeshi government on 20 July 2024 had imposed an initial nationwide curfew and deployed military forces after violence broke out in Dhaka and other regions following student-led protests demanding reforms to the government's job quota system. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM
epa11528468 Bangladeshi people gather in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 05 August 2024. In an address to the nation, Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned after weeks of unrest and an interim government will be formed to run the country. Dhaka authorities have imposed a new curfew starting 06:00 p.m. local time on 04 August. As casualties mounted and law enforcement struggled to contain the unrest, the Bangladeshi government on 20 July 2024 had imposed an initial nationwide curfew and deployed military forces after violence broke out in Dhaka and other regions following student-led protests demanding reforms to the government's job quota system. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM

DACCA, 06 AGO - E' salito a 109 il bilancio dei morti durante i violenti disordini scoppiati ieri in Bangladesh dopo la destituzione della premier Sheikh Hasina. Lo fanno sapere la polizia e i medici, aggiornando il bilancio precedente di 56 vittime. Quello di ieri è stato il giorno più letale da quando sono iniziate le proteste, a inizio luglio, contro le quote di assunzione nel pubblico impiego imposte dal governo, con un numero totale di morti salito a 409, secondo un bilancio dell'Afp compilato da fonti della polizia, ufficiali e ospedaliere.

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