Italia e Estero

Caldo record in Kashmir, ieri massima di 36,2 gradi a Srinagar

epa11504839 A man walks over the dried up patches on the banks of the Jhelum River in Srinagar, Kashmir, India, 29 July 2024. Kashmir is amidst an intense heatwave and a continued dry spell, leaving the water bodies in the region including the Jhelum River, considered the lifeline of Kashmir, depleted and with intermittent dry patches, forcing some houseboat owners to anchor their boats on its banks. According to the local Meteorological Department, 27 July 2024 at night, at 24.6 degrees Celsius was the hottest night in Srinagar in 132 years while the maximum temperature of 36.2 degrees Celsius recorded on 28 July 2024 was the fourth hottest July day in Srinagar's history. The ongoing heatwave and continued dry spell are affecting the agricultural and horticultural season while the power supply generated from hydropower plants has also declined drastically due to the low water discharge. The people in many parts of Kashmir including the Charar-e-Sharief shrine of Sufi saint Sheikh Nooruddin Noorani in central Kashmir's Budgam district also offered Salat-ul-Istiqlal prayers and held traditional dance and songs calling for an end to the ongoing dry spell. EPA/FAROOQ KHAN
epa11504839 A man walks over the dried up patches on the banks of the Jhelum River in Srinagar, Kashmir, India, 29 July 2024. Kashmir is amidst an intense heatwave and a continued dry spell, leaving the water bodies in the region including the Jhelum River, considered the lifeline of Kashmir, depleted and with intermittent dry patches, forcing some houseboat owners to anchor their boats on its banks. According to the local Meteorological Department, 27 July 2024 at night, at 24.6 degrees Celsius was the hottest night in Srinagar in 132 years while the maximum temperature of 36.2 degrees Celsius recorded on 28 July 2024 was the fourth hottest July day in Srinagar's history. The ongoing heatwave and continued dry spell are affecting the agricultural and horticultural season while the power supply generated from hydropower plants has also declined drastically due to the low water discharge. The people in many parts of Kashmir including the Charar-e-Sharief shrine of Sufi saint Sheikh Nooruddin Noorani in central Kashmir's Budgam district also offered Salat-ul-Istiqlal prayers and held traditional dance and songs calling for an end to the ongoing dry spell. EPA/FAROOQ KHAN

NEW DELHI, 29 LUG - Ondata di calore in Kashmir dove ieri la temperatura massima a Srinagar, la capitale, è stata di 36,2 gradi, la più alta degli ultimi 25 anni. Lo fa sapere il Dipartimento Meteorologico indiano. La minima nella notte, invece, è stata di 24,8 gradi centigradi, la seconda più alta nella storia meteorologica dello stato himalyano, da quando sono iniziate le registrazioni, 132 anni fa. La punta massima nella storia di Srinagar, 38,3 centigradi era stata nel luglio del 1946. In estate le temperature in Kashmir oscillano su una media dei 31° di massima e una minima tra i 9 e i 15°.

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