Italia e Estero

Bimbe accoltellate a Southport: 17enne incriminato, oggi udienza

epa11510096 People gather to pay their respects during a vigil for the victims of a stabbing attack in Southport, Britain 30 July 2024. Merseyside Police have confirmed that a third child, aged 9, has died as a result of a knife attack in Southport and confirmed that the other two victims were ages six and seven. Eight other children remain in critical condition along with two adults. Armed police arrested a 17-year-old boy on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, and while the motivation for the attack remains unclear, it is not being treated as terrorist-related. EPA/ADAM VAUGHAN
epa11510096 People gather to pay their respects during a vigil for the victims of a stabbing attack in Southport, Britain 30 July 2024. Merseyside Police have confirmed that a third child, aged 9, has died as a result of a knife attack in Southport and confirmed that the other two victims were ages six and seven. Eight other children remain in critical condition along with two adults. Armed police arrested a 17-year-old boy on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, and while the motivation for the attack remains unclear, it is not being treated as terrorist-related. EPA/ADAM VAUGHAN

LONDRA, 01 AGO - E' stato formalmente incriminato il 17enne accusato di aver accoltellato a morte lunedì tre bambine a Southport, nel nordovest dell'Inghilterra. Il Crown prosecution service (Cps) "ha autorizzato la polizia del Merseyside a incriminare un ragazzo di 17 anni residente a Banks, nel Lancashire", si legge in un comunicato. L'adolescente deve affrontare "tre capi d'accusa per omicidio e altri dieci per tentato omicidio, in seguito al tragico evento accaduto a Southport questa settimana", aggiunge la nota. Il sospettato comparirà in tribunale oggi a Liverpool.

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