Italia e Estero

Biden vieta le trivelle su 250 milioni ettari di costa Usa

epa07874189 People swim in the Pacific Ocean next to the Huntington Beach Pier in front of an offshore oil rig in Huntington Beach, California, 02 August 2019. (issued 27 September 2019) With nearly 6,000 active oil and gas wells in the county, according to a Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles remains the largest urban oil field in the US. Of the 18 million people leaving in greater Los Angeles, 600,000 live less than 400 meters from an active well. The story of the city is deeply intertwined with the oil industry. Old documents show Venice Beach covered with rigs and people walking the streets wearing gasmasks because the air pollution was so intense. This situation led to California being able to edict its own gas emission standards, stricter than those in the rest of the country, to counter the disastrous impact of the combined effects of oil production and traffic. This status was recently revoked by President Trump, a decision that is currently being challenged by the state of California. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT
epa07874189 People swim in the Pacific Ocean next to the Huntington Beach Pier in front of an offshore oil rig in Huntington Beach, California, 02 August 2019. (issued 27 September 2019) With nearly 6,000 active oil and gas wells in the county, according to a Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles remains the largest urban oil field in the US. Of the 18 million people leaving in greater Los Angeles, 600,000 live less than 400 meters from an active well. The story of the city is deeply intertwined with the oil industry. Old documents show Venice Beach covered with rigs and people walking the streets wearing gasmasks because the air pollution was so intense. This situation led to California being able to edict its own gas emission standards, stricter than those in the rest of the country, to counter the disastrous impact of the combined effects of oil production and traffic. This status was recently revoked by President Trump, a decision that is currently being challenged by the state of California. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT

(ANSA-AFP) - WASHINGTON, 06 GEN - Il presidente americano uscente, Joe Biden, ha fatto sapere di aver dichiarato - come aveva anticipato - aree protette, quindi vietate alle trivelle, oltre 253 milioni di ettari di coste, la quasi totalità di quelle degli Stati Uniti, prima che s'insedi il suo successore Donald Trump, che ha promesso una ripresa a pieno ritmo dell'estrazione di idrocarburi. La dichiarazione, resa nota dalla Casa Bianca, dichiara la tutela sull'intera costa atlantica degli Stati Uniti, su quella orientale del Golfo del Messico, su quella pacifica negli stati di California, Oregon e Washington, e su quella del Mare di Bering in Alaska. (ANSA-AFP).

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