Italia e Estero

Biden annuncia la tregua tra Israele ed Hezbollah

epa11718854 US President Joe Biden speaks during the Classroom to Career summit in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 13 November 2024. The summit is meant to highlight progress in expanding career pathways to good-paying jobs in infrastructure, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing. EPA/ALEXANDER DRAGO / POOL
epa11718854 US President Joe Biden speaks during the Classroom to Career summit in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 13 November 2024. The summit is meant to highlight progress in expanding career pathways to good-paying jobs in infrastructure, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing. EPA/ALEXANDER DRAGO / POOL

WASHINGTON, 26 NOV - "Ho parlato con il premier di Israele e con quello del Libano e posso annunciare la tregua". Lo ha detto Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca. "A Hezbollah o quel che resta non sarà consentito di minacciare più la sicurezza di Israele", ha proseguito il presidente Usa. E ancora: "Non ci saranno truppe americane nel sud del Libano".

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