Italia e Estero

Berlino, sventato un possibile attentato al consolato d'Israele

epa11586581 An Israeli flag (L) flutters in front of the Israeli Consulate General building as police officers secure the area after a shooting near the NS Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism building in Munich, Germany, 05 September 2024. German police officers on 05 September shot a man who was carrying a firearm and opened fire near the Israeli Consulate General and the Nazi Documentation Center in Munich. According to the police, there is no evidence of any other suspects. EPA/ANNA SZILAGYI
epa11586581 An Israeli flag (L) flutters in front of the Israeli Consulate General building as police officers secure the area after a shooting near the NS Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism building in Munich, Germany, 05 September 2024. German police officers on 05 September shot a man who was carrying a firearm and opened fire near the Israeli Consulate General and the Nazi Documentation Center in Munich. According to the police, there is no evidence of any other suspects. EPA/ANNA SZILAGYI

BERLINO, 05 SET - A Monaco di Baviera "è stato sventato un possibile attentato al consolato generale d'Israele". È quello che ha detto l'assessore regionale all'Interno Joachim Herrmann, in uno statement. La polizia, presente sul posto al momento dell'incontro con la stampa, ha tuttavia per ora confermato soltanto che sia stato identificato un 18enne di origine austriaca.

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