Italia e Estero

Beirut, due persone uccise in un raid israeliano nel sud

epaselect epa11799945 Israeli soldiers walk next to military weapons displayed for the media at Amiad military camp, northern Israel, 31 December 2024. According to the Israeli army, the equipment and weapons were uncovered throughout the ground operation in south Lebanon. A 60-day ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah came into force on 27 November 2024. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epaselect epa11799945 Israeli soldiers walk next to military weapons displayed for the media at Amiad military camp, northern Israel, 31 December 2024. According to the Israeli army, the equipment and weapons were uncovered throughout the ground operation in south Lebanon. A 60-day ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah came into force on 27 November 2024. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

BEIRUT, 10 GEN - Due persone sono state uccise in un attacco israeliano nel sud: lo rende noto il ministero della Sanità libanese.

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