Italia e Estero

Autorità kazake, '28 i sopravvissuti al disastro aereo'

epa09678674 Kazakh policemen guard in downtown of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11 January 2022. Mass protests in Kazakhstan began in the early days of 2022 - residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and Aktau in the west of the country opposed a twofold increase in prices for liquefied gas. Later, the protests turned into looting, the militants attacked state institutions, took away weapons. The authorities declared a state of emergency across the country until 19 January and launched a counter-terrorism operation. As reported by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, some 164 people where killed during the riots. As a result of the riots, 2,265 people in different regions of the country applied for medical assistance while 83 people remain in serious condition in hospitals of Kazakhstan. EPA/STR
epa09678674 Kazakh policemen guard in downtown of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11 January 2022. Mass protests in Kazakhstan began in the early days of 2022 - residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and Aktau in the west of the country opposed a twofold increase in prices for liquefied gas. Later, the protests turned into looting, the militants attacked state institutions, took away weapons. The authorities declared a state of emergency across the country until 19 January and launched a counter-terrorism operation. As reported by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, some 164 people where killed during the riots. As a result of the riots, 2,265 people in different regions of the country applied for medical assistance while 83 people remain in serious condition in hospitals of Kazakhstan. EPA/STR

ROMA, 25 DIC - "In totale 28 persone sono rimaste ferite" nello schianto del volo da Baku a Grozny precipitato vicino ad Aktau nell'ovest del Kazakistan. Lo riferisce il dipartimento regionale del ministero della Sanità kazako in un comunicato, aggiornando un precedente bilancio dei sopravvissuti e precisando che 26 di loro sono stati trasferiti in ospedale. Dieci sono in gravi condizioni. A bordo c'erano 67 persone.

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