Italia e Estero

Attacco in Baviera, il fermato è un 28enne afghano

epa11802221 A police car stands in front of a pane of windows of a residential building that are in a destroyed state in Berlin, Germany, 02 January 2025. The Berlin fire department announced in a summary of the events on New Year's Eve in Berlin that 36 apartments became uninhabitable after the implementation of pyrotechnics around the Schoeneberg district street Belziger Strasse. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
epa11802221 A police car stands in front of a pane of windows of a residential building that are in a destroyed state in Berlin, Germany, 02 January 2025. The Berlin fire department announced in a summary of the events on New Year's Eve in Berlin that 36 apartments became uninhabitable after the implementation of pyrotechnics around the Schoeneberg district street Belziger Strasse. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

BERLINO, 22 GEN - Il fermato per l'attacco in Baviera è un afghano di 28 anni. Lo ha confermato all'ANSA la polizia locale. Il giovane è sospettato di aver attaccato col coltello diverse persone, uccidendo un uomo di 41 anni e un bambino di due, e ferendo gravemente altre due persone.

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