Italia e Estero

Attacco con droni nel sud della Russia, a fuoco deposito benzina

epa11913348 A Besomar 3210 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system flying during their handover to the Ukrainian army at an undisclosed location in the Lviv region, western Ukraine, 21 February 2025, amid the Russian invasion. The 100 units of UAV systems, ground control stations, and launch and control equipment were handed over to the representatives of the 1020th Airborne Defence Unit and the 39th Airborne Defence Unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Besomar 3210 UAVs are aircraft-type strike interceptor drones designed for additional reconnaissance, interception, and destruction of enemy reconnaissance (Orlan, Supercam, Zala) and attack (Shakhed, Geran) drones. The systems include aircraft-type drones, ground control stations, mobile charging stations, antennae, and radio beacons. The drones can stay in the air for up to two and a half hours, ascend to an altitude of up to four kilometers, and travel at a speed of 160 kph with a flight range of 50-60 km. EPA/MYKOLA TYS
epa11913348 A Besomar 3210 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system flying during their handover to the Ukrainian army at an undisclosed location in the Lviv region, western Ukraine, 21 February 2025, amid the Russian invasion. The 100 units of UAV systems, ground control stations, and launch and control equipment were handed over to the representatives of the 1020th Airborne Defence Unit and the 39th Airborne Defence Unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Besomar 3210 UAVs are aircraft-type strike interceptor drones designed for additional reconnaissance, interception, and destruction of enemy reconnaissance (Orlan, Supercam, Zala) and attack (Shakhed, Geran) drones. The systems include aircraft-type drones, ground control stations, mobile charging stations, antennae, and radio beacons. The drones can stay in the air for up to two and a half hours, ascend to an altitude of up to four kilometers, and travel at a speed of 160 kph with a flight range of 50-60 km. EPA/MYKOLA TYS

MOSCA, 14 MAR - Un incendio è scoppiato in un'area di circa mille metri quadrati in un deposito di prodotti petroliferi a Tuapse, nel sud della Russia sulla costa del Mar Nero, a causa di un attacco ucraino con droni. Lo ha reso noto il governatore, Veniamin Kondratyev. "Il regime di Kiev ha attaccato la struttura la notte scorsa e una delle cisterne contenente benzina ha preso fuoco", ha detto Kondratyev, citato dall'agenzia Interfax. I servizi d'emergenza sono presenti in forze sul posto per cercare di domare le fiamme. Il sindaco di Mosca, Sergei Sobyanin, ha riferito sul suo canale Telegram che le "forze della difesa aerea hanno respinto un attacco di quattro droni che volavano verso Mosca". Il sindaco ha poi aggiunto che "sul posto dove sono caduti i detriti sono al lavoro le squadre dei servizi di emergenza". Testimoni hanno raccontato di avere "sentito delle esplosioni e di avere visto del fumo" nella regione della capitale. Lo riporta Ria Novosti.

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