Italia e Estero

Attacco al coltello in Francia, un morto e cinque feriti

epa05091398 Police officers stand guard near a shooting scene after a man carrying a knife attempted to enter a Paris police station in the Goutte d'Or area, northern Paris, France, 07 January 2016. A man has been shot dead outside a Paris police station after apparently attacking the facility, amid fears that the incident might be an act of terrorism. Luc Poignant of the police union said the man allegedly shouted 'Allah is great' as he approached the facility. The incident comes on the one-year anniversary of an Islamist attack on the offices of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that prompted three days of terror and shootings in the city, ultimately resulting in 17 civilian deaths and the deaths of three Islamists as police closed in on them. EPA/IAN LANGSDON
epa05091398 Police officers stand guard near a shooting scene after a man carrying a knife attempted to enter a Paris police station in the Goutte d'Or area, northern Paris, France, 07 January 2016. A man has been shot dead outside a Paris police station after apparently attacking the facility, amid fears that the incident might be an act of terrorism. Luc Poignant of the police union said the man allegedly shouted 'Allah is great' as he approached the facility. The incident comes on the one-year anniversary of an Islamist attack on the offices of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that prompted three days of terror and shootings in the city, ultimately resulting in 17 civilian deaths and the deaths of three Islamists as police closed in on them. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

STRASBURGO, 22 FEB - Un uomo, un algerino è stato fermato a Mulhouse, in Alsazia, nell'est della Francia, con l'accusa di aver ucciso a coltellate un uomo in strada e di aver ferito cinque agenti di polizia, di cui due gravemente. L'aggressore è schedato per rischio terrorismo, riferisce la procura. Secondo testimoni, nel compiere il suo gesto l'uomo avrebbe gridato "Allah u akhbar" (Dio è grande). I poliziotti in gravi condizioni sono stati colpiti da coltellate uno alla carotide e l'altro al torace.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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