Italia e Estero

Attacchi missilistici sull'Ucraina, scatta allerta nazionale

MOS01-19991128-CHECHNYA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Russian troops launch a tactic missile targeted to the mountainous region on the south of Chechnya, 28 November, 1999. Federal troops use tactic missiles to destroy the roads in the mountains to cut all possible ways of supply the Chechen fighters with amunition and food. ***RUSSIA OUT*** STRINGER/EPA PHOTO.
MOS01-19991128-CHECHNYA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Russian troops launch a tactic missile targeted to the mountainous region on the south of Chechnya, 28 November, 1999. Federal troops use tactic missiles to destroy the roads in the mountains to cut all possible ways of supply the Chechen fighters with amunition and food. ***RUSSIA OUT*** STRINGER/EPA PHOTO.

(ANSA-AFP) - KIEV, 28 NOV - L'aeronautica ucraina ha emesso un allarme aereo nazionale, segnalando attacchi missilistici contro diverse regioni. "L'allarme aereo è stato dichiarato in tutta l'Ucraina a causa della minaccia missilistica", ha annunciato su Telegram, sottolineando che i missili hanno preso di mira soprattutto le regioni di Odessa, Kherson e Mykolaiv. (ANSA-AFP).

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