Italia e Estero

Ankara, pronti a schierare truppe in Ucraina se necessario

epa06191789 Turkish national flag flying close to the European Union flag in Istanbul, Turkey, 08 September 2017. After the German elections television debate between Merkel and Social Democrat challenger Martin Schulz on 03 September, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused them of 'bowing down to populism and prejudice' after both said they would seek an end to membership talks between the EU and Turkey. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa06191789 Turkish national flag flying close to the European Union flag in Istanbul, Turkey, 08 September 2017. After the German elections television debate between Merkel and Social Democrat challenger Martin Schulz on 03 September, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused them of 'bowing down to populism and prejudice' after both said they would seek an end to membership talks between the EU and Turkey. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN

ISTANBUL, 06 MAR - La Turchia è pronta a schierare le proprie truppe in Ucraina "se necessario": lo ha affermato il ministero della Difesa. "La questione di contribuire a una missione... sarà valutata con tutte le parti interessate se sarà ritenuta necessaria per l'instaurazione della stabilità e della pace nella regione", ha affermato il ministero riferendosi all'Ucraina.

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