Italia e Estero

Allerta neve in Marocco, da 15 a 30 centimetri sopra i 1.800

epa06587288 Hoses of Tighanimin village are surrounded by snow-covered mountains, near Azilal city, central Morocco, 05 March 2018 (issued 07 March 2018). Azilal is a city in central Morocco, in the Atlas Mountains, that had over 27,000 Moroccans living according to 2004 census. Temperatures usually drop far below zero during the Winter, and snow fall cuts the twisty roads connecting the remote villages to the center of Azilal city. Villagers share rides in small bus or on the back of truck, or simply walk on foot, as children make their way to school or villagers visit the souk (market). However, vehicles can be stuck in snow for hours and drivers seen praying to make a safe journey on the risky roads. Women collect firewood in the morning to be used as source of heating and for cooking. EPA/BAKIR MOHAMMED ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa06587288 Hoses of Tighanimin village are surrounded by snow-covered mountains, near Azilal city, central Morocco, 05 March 2018 (issued 07 March 2018). Azilal is a city in central Morocco, in the Atlas Mountains, that had over 27,000 Moroccans living according to 2004 census. Temperatures usually drop far below zero during the Winter, and snow fall cuts the twisty roads connecting the remote villages to the center of Azilal city. Villagers share rides in small bus or on the back of truck, or simply walk on foot, as children make their way to school or villagers visit the souk (market). However, vehicles can be stuck in snow for hours and drivers seen praying to make a safe journey on the risky roads. Women collect firewood in the morning to be used as source of heating and for cooking. EPA/BAKIR MOHAMMED ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

RABAT, 17 FEB - Allerta neve in Marocco, fino a giovedì. La Direzione generale di meteorologia prevede due giorni di precipitazioni nevose, da 15 a 30 centimetri, a oltre 1.800 metri. Non sono mancate neve e pioggia lungo tutto il mese di febbraio, ma non abbastanza per colmare il deficit di acqua che affligge il Marocco da sei anni. Anche questa ultima stagione agricola soffre per la siccità e il raccolto di grano, per esempio, secondo gli esperti diminuirà di circa il 50%.

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