Italia e Estero

'Allarme terrorismo' a Vienna, evacuata stazione centrale

epa10333675 Empty railway platforms of the Westbahnhof train station are seen during an Austria-wide warning strike of the railway union vida in Vienna, Austria, 28 November 2022. Due to not reaching an agreement on a new collective agreement for railway workers, all commuter, regional, long-distance and night trains are cancelled for a 24 hours Austria-wide warning strike. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA
epa10333675 Empty railway platforms of the Westbahnhof train station are seen during an Austria-wide warning strike of the railway union vida in Vienna, Austria, 28 November 2022. Due to not reaching an agreement on a new collective agreement for railway workers, all commuter, regional, long-distance and night trains are cancelled for a 24 hours Austria-wide warning strike. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA

VIENNA, 03 MAR - La polizia austriaca ha lanciato 'un allarme terrorismo' alla stazione centrale di Vienna che è stata immediatamente evacuata. Lo riferiscono i media locali sottolineando che è stato dato l'ordine 'di lasciare immediatamente' lo scalo ferroviario.

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