Italia e Estero

Allarme bomba, controlli negativi sull'aereo a Fiumicino

Police car out of the America Airlines plane AA292 flying from New York to Delhi, due to a bomb threat on the tarmac at Rome Leonardo Da Vinci airport in Fiumicino, Italy, February 23, 2025. An American Airlines flight, flying from New York to Delhi, in the early afternoon, while flying over the Caspian Sea, reversed course towards Fiumicino airport, due to an alleged bomb threat report. ANSA/POLIZIA ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING +++ NPK
Police car out of the America Airlines plane AA292 flying from New York to Delhi, due to a bomb threat on the tarmac at Rome Leonardo Da Vinci airport in Fiumicino, Italy, February 23, 2025. An American Airlines flight, flying from New York to Delhi, in the early afternoon, while flying over the Caspian Sea, reversed course towards Fiumicino airport, due to an alleged bomb threat report. ANSA/POLIZIA ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING +++ NPK

ROMA, 23 FEB - Si sono concluse, all'aeroporto di Fiumicino, con esito negativo, le ispezioni a bordo e nella stiva dell'aereo dell'American Airlines da parte degli artificieri e delle unità cinofile delle forze dell'ordine. In corso ancora i controlli sui bagagli e sulla merce. Solo al termine delle operazioni la Polizia di Stato decreterà il fine allarme.

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