Italia e Estero

Aiea, scorte di uranio arricchito in Iran 30 volte oltre limite

epa02996590 (FILE) A file photograph dated 15 January 2011 shows a general view of the Iran's heavy water reactor in the city of Arak, Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 08 November 2011 published the clearest indications to date that Iran has been developing a nuclear weapon. The report, which detailed a large number of nuclear-related projects and experiments, said that some of the activities might be ongoing. The Vienna-based agency concluded that Iran had worked on using uranium metal in a nuclear warhead and on computer-modelling of nuclear explosions. EPA/HAMID FORUTAN
epa02996590 (FILE) A file photograph dated 15 January 2011 shows a general view of the Iran's heavy water reactor in the city of Arak, Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 08 November 2011 published the clearest indications to date that Iran has been developing a nuclear weapon. The report, which detailed a large number of nuclear-related projects and experiments, said that some of the activities might be ongoing. The Vienna-based agency concluded that Iran had worked on using uranium metal in a nuclear warhead and on computer-modelling of nuclear explosions. EPA/HAMID FORUTAN

VIENNA, 27 MAG - L'Iran ha ulteriormente aumentato le sue scorte di uranio arricchito negli ultimi mesi, accelerando il suo programma nucleare. Lo rivela un rapporto confidenziale dell'Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica (Aiea) consultato. L'11 maggio le scorte ammontavano a 6.201,3 kg (rispetto ai 5.525,5 kg di febbraio), più di 30 volte il limite autorizzato dall'accordo internazionale del 2015, anche se Teheran nega di voler acquisire la bomba.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
