Italia e Estero

Aggredito con machete, giovane grave in rianimazione

Law enforcement officers at the site of the shooting, in Fara Vicentino, near Vicenza, northern Italy, 24 April 2023. A Moroccan citizen was shot dead by police after grabbing a Carabinieri officer's gun and shooting and wounding a traffic cop after police were called after the man was reported to be "running wild" in the street shouting ''God is Great'', local sources said. The man was reported to have been screaming "Allahu Akbar" in a threatening way, out of control. A scuffle ensued after police and traffic officers moved to stop him, as he grabbed a Carabiniere's pistol and shot the traffic warden before Carabinieri shot him dead. ANSA/ TOMMASO QUAGGIO
Law enforcement officers at the site of the shooting, in Fara Vicentino, near Vicenza, northern Italy, 24 April 2023. A Moroccan citizen was shot dead by police after grabbing a Carabinieri officer's gun and shooting and wounding a traffic cop after police were called after the man was reported to be "running wild" in the street shouting ''God is Great'', local sources said. The man was reported to have been screaming "Allahu Akbar" in a threatening way, out of control. A scuffle ensued after police and traffic officers moved to stop him, as he grabbed a Carabiniere's pistol and shot the traffic warden before Carabinieri shot him dead. ANSA/ TOMMASO QUAGGIO

VICENZA, 15 LUG - Un giovane di origini straniere è stato aggredito da un individuo con un'arma da taglio, verosimilmente un machete, davanti a uno stabilimento a Montebello Vicentino (Vicenza). L'episodio è avvenuto intorno alle 6.50, davanti all'azienda dove la vittima si stava recando al lavoro. L'aggressore si è dileguato facendo perdere le proprie tracce. Il giovane, colpito più volte, è ricoverato in gravi condizioni al reparto di rianimazione dell'ospedale San Bortolo di Vicenza. Sul posto i carabinieri per le indagini e le ricerche.

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