Italia e Estero

Afghanistan, salgono a 311 le vittime delle inondazioni

epa11324546 A burqa clad Afghan woman carries a child on a road in Kabul Afghanistan, 07 May 2024. Australia announced on 03 May it had committed to offering aid of AUD 492 million (USD 323 million) to reduce poverty in countries of the Indo-Pacific region through a fund from the Asian Development Bank. Australia has defended placing emphasis on mitigating the effects of the climate crisis and on the inclusion of new mechanisms to ensure the arrival of aid to people in Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Rohingya ethnic minority displaced in Bangladesh, with special emphasis on women and girls. EPA/SAMIULLAH POPAL
epa11324546 A burqa clad Afghan woman carries a child on a road in Kabul Afghanistan, 07 May 2024. Australia announced on 03 May it had committed to offering aid of AUD 492 million (USD 323 million) to reduce poverty in countries of the Indo-Pacific region through a fund from the Asian Development Bank. Australia has defended placing emphasis on mitigating the effects of the climate crisis and on the inclusion of new mechanisms to ensure the arrival of aid to people in Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Rohingya ethnic minority displaced in Bangladesh, with special emphasis on women and girls. EPA/SAMIULLAH POPAL

KABUL, 11 MAG - Secondo un rapporto provvisorio inviato all'Agenzia France Presse dal Programma alimentare dell'Onu (Wfp), le improvvise inondazioni che hanno colpito la provincia settentrionale di Baghlan hanno provocato 311 morti. Poco prima, un'altra agenzia delle Nazioni Unite, l'Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni (Oim), aveva dichiarato che più di 200 persone erano rimaste vittime nelle violentissime alluvioni di ieri.

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