Italia e Estero

Abu Mazen, 'uccisione Haniyeh atto codardo e pericoloso'

epa06951531 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 'Abu Mazen' delivers a speech during the opening of a two-day convention of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council, at his presidential compound in the West Bank town of Ramallah, 15 August 2018. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa06951531 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 'Abu Mazen' delivers a speech during the opening of a two-day convention of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council, at his presidential compound in the West Bank town of Ramallah, 15 August 2018. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

TEL AVIV, 31 LUG - "Un atto codardo e uno sviluppo pericoloso". Così il presidente palestinese Abu Mazen, citato dalla Wafa, ha condannato l'uccisione del capo politico di Hamas a Teheran Ismail Haniyeh. Abu Mazen ha quindi invitato "il popolo palestinese e le forze popolari all'unità, alla pazienza e alla fermezza di fronte all'occupazione israeliana".

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