Italia e Estero

A Sumy 74 i feriti, 'colpito anche un ospedale'

epa11862881 A handout photo released by the press service of the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine shows Ukrainian rescuers working at the site of a damaged residential building after shelling in Sumy, northeastern Ukraine, 30 January 2025, amid the Russian invasion. At least four people were killed and nine others injured in a Russian drone attack in Sumy overnight, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. EPA/STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE HANDOUT -- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- MANDATORY CREDIT: STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11862881 A handout photo released by the press service of the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine shows Ukrainian rescuers working at the site of a damaged residential building after shelling in Sumy, northeastern Ukraine, 30 January 2025, amid the Russian invasion. At least four people were killed and nine others injured in a Russian drone attack in Sumy overnight, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. EPA/STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE HANDOUT -- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- MANDATORY CREDIT: STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 24 MAR - Sale a 74 civili feriti, inclusi 13 bambini, il bilancio del raid missilistico russo contro Sumy, lungo il confine con la regione russa del Kursk. Lo riferiscono i media locali citando i servizi di emergenza. Il sindaco Artem Kobzar ha precisato che nell'esplosione è stato anche danneggiato un ospedale nei pressi della scuola e degli edifici residenziali colpiti dal raid.

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