Italia e Estero

A Cuba le 'parrandas' illuminano la notte nonostante i blackout

epa10623347 Residents participate in an exhibition presented to tour operators about the parties and parrandas in the town of Remedios, Cuba, 08 May 2023 (issued 12 May 2023). Las Parrandas, which took place for the first time in 1820 in the municipality of Remedios, are festivities celebrated on May 08. The Parrandas is a cultural friendly challenge between El Carmen and San Salvador neighborhoods. Tradition dictates that the prize for the Best Float and the most outstanding Plaza Work is disputed between both sides. The party usually takes place with the creation of the floats and works in the square in the most absolute silence to surprise the opponents. The vehicles recreate various stories and seek to impress spectators, attracted by music, lanterns and colored lights. The Festivity of Las Parrandas was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2018. EPA/Ernesto Mastrascusa
epa10623347 Residents participate in an exhibition presented to tour operators about the parties and parrandas in the town of Remedios, Cuba, 08 May 2023 (issued 12 May 2023). Las Parrandas, which took place for the first time in 1820 in the municipality of Remedios, are festivities celebrated on May 08. The Parrandas is a cultural friendly challenge between El Carmen and San Salvador neighborhoods. Tradition dictates that the prize for the Best Float and the most outstanding Plaza Work is disputed between both sides. The party usually takes place with the creation of the floats and works in the square in the most absolute silence to surprise the opponents. The vehicles recreate various stories and seek to impress spectators, attracted by music, lanterns and colored lights. The Festivity of Las Parrandas was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2018. EPA/Ernesto Mastrascusa

L'AVANA, 24 MAR - Nonostante i cronici blackout e la gravissima crisi economica che sta soffocando la popolazione, Cuba non rinuncia alle sue tradizionali 'parrandas', fiere di strada dichiarate Patrimonio immateriale dell'umanità dall'Unesco nel 2018 e diffuse in 18 comuni dell'isola. Ieri, un'esplosione di fuochi d'artificio, carri allegorici e una pioggia di razzi ha abbagliato Camajuaní, una cittadina della provincia di Villa Clara, proprio nel cuore di Cuba. La manifestazione è divenuta un simbolo della resistenza degli abitanti, ormai abituati a interruzioni di energia elettrica che possono durare fino a 12 ore al giorno. Nate nel XIX secolo nelle campagne della nazione caraibica, le 'parrandas' affondano le loro radici in un mix di influenze spagnole e tradizioni africane. E per una notte hanno fatto dimenticare ai cubani i loro problemi giornalieri.

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